Sunday, September 22, 2019

Comparison of the retail for Soda for Kroger and Circle K Essay

Comparison of the retail for Soda for Kroger and Circle K - Essay Example In comparison and contrast to Kroger, Circle K utilizes a much more aggressive level of advertising with respect to their own line of soft drinks. Publicity, direct marketing, sales and promotion, advertising, and interactive marketing all play a prominent role with respect to the degree and extent to which Circle K products are represented to the individual consumer within society. Interestingly, with respect to store design and display, Circle K helps to differentiate and separate the product that they are promoting as compared to Kroger. As such, rather than displaying Circle K’s line of soda directly alongside its competitors, it is represented within an entirely different section of the store; lending it to be understood/interpreted by the consumer as not only a replacement product but somehow incomparable. Once again, the retailer’s competitive advantage is with regards to low-cost. However, in addition to this low cost competitive advantage, Circle K is also able to offer the consumer with the tangential benefit of a great many different choices as compared to the

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